Clinch Mountain WMA is available under layer Wildlife Management Areas. Please make sure that you have this layer enabled to view outline geometry and other attributes.
Clinch Mountain WMA attributes
Area | 38.83 square miles |
Bear | Best Bet |
Deer | Good |
Dove | Available |
Dove_field | true |
Fees | No |
Grouse | Good |
Note | The Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area is the second largest in the Department's management area system but has the distinction of being the most biologically diverse, due in large part to the vast differences in elevation on the area. The deer herd is producing quality, antlered bucks. Both bear and turkey are increasing as populations respond to habitat management. Excellent grouse numbers are expected to follow forest management practices that increase and improve brood range and other needed habitats. Hunting success for gray and fox squirrel fluctuates from year to year, primarily due to variable mast production. Rabbit hunting is often good, though populations do change tremendously between years. The property encompasses approximately 25,477 acres. |
Percent Public Lands | 101.23 |
Public Lands | 39.31 square miles |
Quail | Unknown |
Rabbit | Available |
Raccoon | Good |
Railsnipe | Unknown |
Squirrel | Best Bet |
Trapping | true |
Turkey | Good |
Url | |
Waterfowl | Available |
Woodcock | Unknown |
Clinch Mountain WMA covers an area that is 38.83 square miles. Of this 39.31 square miles(101.23 percent) is public lands. |
Virginia Hunting Regulations
The following website contains hunting regulations/seasons and details on purchasing / acquiring hunting /fishing licenses / permits. Please visit the following website directly to find more details regarding hunting regulations for Virginia